% water used of adequate quality



Example Target


Example approach

Estimate using informal sampling or visual assessment

Example methods/guidance/data sources/references

Internal records


Relevant water quality metrics and thresholds depend on the use of the water and known threats to water quality. For example, sheep production will likely be impaired if total dissolved solids (TDS) is >5,000 mg/L (Hamlyn-Hill 2016).
Example Tier 1/Tier 2 metrics might include Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Organic and inorganic compounds, Nutrients, Acidity, Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids. Tier 3 could also include additional, more difficult or costly to measure metrics such as concentrations of cyanobacteria, pathogens and parasites, heavy metals and organic contaminants, where appropriate.
See Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality for information and guidance on how to identify relevant water quality metrics and thresholds or ‘guideline values’ for Australian and New Zealand waters.
See also: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater; UN Environment (2017) A Framework for Freshwater Ecosystem Management (especially Volume 2, Tables 4 and 5 which list example water quality metrics for different freshwater ecosystem types).



Example Target


Example approach

Estimate using national/state/territory map data plus informal sampling or visual assessment

Example methods/guidance/data sources/references

Ground water salinity data is available from BoM’s Groundwater Insight tool. Data on surface water pH, electrical conductivity (indicator of salinity), turbidity and temperature is available from BoM Water Data Online.


Relevant water quality metrics and thresholds depend on the use of the water and known threats to water quality. For example, sheep production will likely be impaired if total dissolved solids (TDS) is >5,000 mg/L (Hamlyn-Hill 2016).
Example Tier 1/Tier 2 metrics might include Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Organic and inorganic compounds, Nutrients, Acidity, Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids. Tier 3 could also include additional, more difficult or costly to measure metrics such as concentrations of cyanobacteria, pathogens and parasites, heavy metals and organic contaminants, where appropriate.
See Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality for information and guidance on how to identify relevant water quality metrics and thresholds or ‘guideline values’ for Australian and New Zealand waters.
See also: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater; UN Environment (2017) A Framework for Freshwater Ecosystem Management (especially Volume 2, Tables 4 and 5 which list example water quality metrics for different freshwater ecosystem types).



Example Target


Example approach

Measure using site-specific remote and/or in-field sensing inputs and/or lab testing

Example methods/guidance/data sources/references

TBD – please submit your suggestion at the feedback tab in the bottom right hand corner.


Relevant water quality metrics and thresholds depend on the use of the water and known threats to water quality. For example, sheep production will likely be impaired if total dissolved solids (TDS) is >5,000 mg/L (Hamlyn-Hill 2016).
Example Tier 1/Tier 2 metrics might include Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Organic and inorganic compounds, Nutrients, Acidity, Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids. Tier 3 could also include additional, more difficult or costly to measure metrics such as concentrations of cyanobacteria, pathogens and parasites, heavy metals and organic contaminants, where appropriate.
See Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality for information and guidance on how to identify relevant water quality metrics and thresholds or ‘guideline values’ for Australian and New Zealand waters.
See also: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater; UN Environment (2017) A Framework for Freshwater Ecosystem Management (especially Volume 2, Tables 4 and 5 which list example water quality metrics for different freshwater ecosystem types).

Last updated: 25th July 2023