Amount of land used per unit of production (land use efficiency)


Impact driver

Related framework / metric

TNFD: FA.A4.1, FA.3.0


Area, e.g. hectares (ha) per unit mass of product output, e.g. tonnes (t)

Example target

Benchmark against best practice

Example methods / guidance / references

What are tiers?

Tier 1

Estimate using own judgement and observations

Tier 2

Estimate using third-party professional estimates or public data

Tier 3

Model or measure based on site-specific surveys/sampling, remote or in-field sensing, laboratory analysis, etc.

Example data sources

Internal records

Third-party data sources

Site-specific measurements or model outputs


Note that this metric is the inverse of what is commonly termed ‘yield’ (mass of product output per unit area of land).
Variants of this metric include TNFD. Food and agriculture additional disclosure metric FA.A4.1: “Land use efficiency (ha land/kg of product).” and FA.A3.0: “Actual and potential yield (kg/km2), and yield gap, by type of crop.”

Last update: 9th October 2024



Related framework / metric

TNFD: FA.A5.2, FA.A5.5, FA.A5.6, FA.A5.7


Percentage (%)

Example target


Example methods / guidance / references

What are tiers?

Tier 1

Estimate using own judgement and observations

Tier 2

Estimate using third-party professional estimates or public data

Tier 3

Model or measure based on site-specific surveys/sampling, remote or in-field sensing, laboratory analysis, etc.

Example data sources

Internal records

Third-party data sources

Maps of various spatially modelled Australian soil variables are available at the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia – Soil and Landscape Grid Viewer

Maps of various spatially modelled and measured Australian soil variables are available at Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS)

Site-specific measurements or model outputs

Data on various spatially modelled Australian soil variables are available at the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia – Get the Data.

Data on various measured Australian soil variables (obtained from various state and national data sources) are available at SoilDataFederator.

Data on various measured Australian soil variables are available at the Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) Data Portal.


This measure may be derived from ecosystem asset condition accounts (see Ecosystem assets). Relevant soil quality variables may include any of the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of soils that enable soils to provide ecosystem services. Impacts on soil quality may also be measured indirectly, e.g. by using % bare ground or % productive land with retained stubble as a proxy for exposure of soils to erosion and/or loss of nutrients.

Variants of this metric include TNFD. Food and agriculture additional disclosure metrics FA.A5.2: “Proportion (%) of land with soil degradation in the total area of agricultural production, including soil erosion, reduction in soil fertility, salinisation of irrigated lands and waterlogging.”; FA.A5.5: “Antimicrobial residue in the soil (nano/milligrams per kilogram of soil).”; FA.A5.6: “Soil bulk density, measured as the ratio of a soil’s dry mass and its volume (g/cm3).” and FA.A5.7: “Soil organic carbon (tC).”

Last update: 9th October 2024