Users might include any type of corporation, but it may be particularly relevant to those with significant indirect impacts or dependencies on nature through their supply chains, such as agricultural, fisheries and forestry processors and manufacturers, retailers and companies in other associated industries, such as fertiliser and agrochemical production or transportation. Natural capital is typically more relevant to these users via their supply chain interactions with primary producers, than through their direct operations or ownership of natural capital assets.


If corporations use consistent metrics from the NCMC they will be able to:

  • more confidently compare and benchmark the environmental performance of supply chain partners
  • develop consistent and comparable nature-related key performance indicators to help improve the environmental performance of supply chain partners and therefore the supply chain as a whole
  • aggregate environmental information across supply chains, e.g. to understand net supply chain impacts or dependencies on nature
  • understand and therefore be able to manage and report on their exposure to nature-related risks and opportunities, in accordance with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).