The natural capital accounting pages (Environmental assets and Ecosystem assets) enable accounting of these assets consistent with international System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) standards.

Metrics in the environmental assets section can be used in accounting for individual components of the biophysical environment (e.g. mineral resources, land, timber or water).Metrics in the ecosystem assets section can be used in accounting for whole ecosystems (e.g. forests, wetlands or rivers) where multiple individual environmental assets interact as a system.

When applied at a country or regional level, the scope is defined by spatial boundaries, whereas when applied at the level of an individual entity, the scope would normally be defined by the entity’s ownership or control.

Natural capital accounting measures are typically used by organisations that own or manage natural assets.

Additional Resources

For more help navigating your overall approach to natural capital accounting refer to CSIRO’s Natural Capital Handbook. 

To learn more about Environmental-Economic Accounting (EEA) refer to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s EEA overview page – ‘What is EEA’?