When should I use the Ecosystem assets section?

Typical users of this section include organisations that own, control or are otherwise responsible for any individual environmental asset. They may also wish to measure the flows of benefits that they receive from those ecosystem assets, in physical and/or monetary terms.

Metrics for Ecosystem assets

Metrics in this section are aligned with SEEA Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) and cover:

Stocks (the ‘state’ of nature)

  • Extent (e.g. area of ecosystem asset)
  • Condition (e.g. pasture condition variables)

Flows (benefits derived from nature)

  • Physical flows (e.g. amount of plant biomass harvested per year)
  • Monetary flows  (e.g. monetary value of plant biomass harvested per year in $)

Ecosystem assets can be classified according to the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology (IUCN-GET) into five Core Realms: Terrestrial, Freshwater, Marine, Subterranean and Atmospheric; as well as various Transitional Realms that combine two or more Core Realms. Each Realm can be further subdivided into Biomes and Ecosystem Functional Groups.

The NCMC uses a simplified version of IUCN-GET to classify Ecosystem asset metrics applicable to a reduced number of key ecosystem asset types.