ACT Government Geospatial Data Catalogue – ACTGOV Vegetation Map 2023


The ACT Vegetation Map classifies native and derived vegetation across the ACT at 1:10,000 scale into 64 plant communities as at 2023, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • ACT
Spatial resolution
  • 1:10,000 scale

Temporal coverage
  • 2015 – 2018

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 12 March 2024

Amazon Web Services (AWS) – High Resolution Canopy Height Maps by WRI and Meta


Global and regional Canopy Height Maps (CHM). Created using machine learning models on high-resolution worldwide Maxar satellite imagery.

Using Artificial Intelligence to Map the Earth’s Forests

  • Research institution
  • International
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 1 x 1 m

Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Not found

Atlas of Living Australia


The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is a collaborative, digital, open infrastructure that pulls together Australian biodiversity data from multiple sources, making it accessible and reusable.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various

Australia’s State of the Forests Report


The state of Australia’s forests is reported across 44 indicators containing comprehensive information on all of Australia’s forests and cover biophysical, conservation, social, cultural and economic aspects of forests. These indicators and associated content are published as components of Australia’s State of the Forests Report (SOFR).

The purpose of Australia’s State of the Forests Report is to keep the public informed about Australia’s forests, their management, use and conservation, and to provide information on how they are changing, using Australia’s framework of criteria and indicators developed under the international Montreal Process. It is also used to report on the state of Australia’s forests to the world.

Australia’s State of the Forests Report is a key source of comprehensive information on Australia’s forests, and is used extensively across industry, state, territory and Australian governments, and research and educational institutions. It is a key source of data and information for many other publications. Forest-related data for Australia’s State of the Forests Report are collected from state and territory forest management agencies and Australian Government departments.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Various

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) – Australian forest and wood products statistics


ABARES Australian forest and wood products statistics (AFWPS) is a collection of data on key indicators of activity in the Australian forest and wood products sector.

The Overview is supported by summary tables in Excel format and a Power BI data visualisation that provides users with an interactive dashboard to interrogate the data.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 1988 – 2023

Temporal resolution
  • Various, Yearly
Last updated
  • 2023

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) – Fisheries data


Australian fisheries and aquaculture statistics (select to download).

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 1998 – 2022

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly
Last updated
  • 2023

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) – Land use data download


Land use data at both the national scale and catchment scale are available on this page.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • December 2023

Australian Bureau of Statistics – Data Explorer


Data Explorer is an free online tool that presents data in a searchable, flexible and dynamic way. It is an interactive web browser interface where you can view, query and download data.

Data Explorer allows you to:
– Search and discover detailed ABS statistics
– Filter and customise data to your own requirements
– Generate custom tables and charts
– View valuable metadata alongside the data
– Export data in a range of formats such as Excel and CSV
– Bookmark and share your custom data tables
– Automatically generate Application Programming Interface (API) calls to pull data into your own system

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various

Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) Data Portal


The Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) provides access to nationally consistent soil data and information to support the sustainable management of one of our nation’s most precious assets.

Not found
  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various


Bureau of Meteorology – Australian Groundwater Insight


The Australian Groundwater Insight provides broad scale, nationally consistent information on groundwater for non-technical users.

The Insight provides access to data on aquifer boundaries, groundwater management, groundwater entitlements and groundwater use. It also shows a high-level assessment of the current trends and status of groundwater levels and salinity.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • 2022–23 financial year for the groundwater level status and trend. 2021-22 financial year for the groundwater management areas.

Bureau of Meteorology – Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric)


The Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) is a specialised Geographic Information System (GIS). It registers the spatial relationships between important hydrological features such as rivers, water bodies, aquifers and monitoring points.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 1 second digital elevation model (DEM)

Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Not found

Bureau of Meteorology – Australian Water Outlook


The Australian Water Outlook website underpins a suite of services and outputs nationally including:

Historical: daily gridded outputs of precipitation, soil moisture, runoff and deep drainage from 1911 until yesterday.

Forecasts: Seasonal forecasts (1-3 month) with monthly outputs available for root-zone soil moisture, evapotranspiration and runoff – updated monthly.

Projections of changes in precipitation, soil moisture, evapotranspiration and runoff for a series of aggregated periods out to the end of the century (according to two greenhouse gas concentration pathways, four CMIP5 Global Climate Models (GCMs), one dynamically downscaled Regional Climate Model (RCM) and three bias correction approaches).

  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • ~5×5 km

Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Current

Bureau of Meteorology – Maps and gridded spatial data


Maps and gridded spatial data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, such as daily rainfall, temperature, solar exposure, vapour pressure and tropical cyclone occurrences.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various

Bureau of Meteorology – National Water Account


The National Water Account is a new style of water reporting which brings together hydrology and financial accounting. A 10 year timeframe is envisaged for the development of a mature National Water Account and a continuous improvement strategy has been adopted. This involves cycles of evaluation and review leading to developments in methods, coverage and presentation.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2010 – current

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly
Last updated
  • 2022

Bureau of Meteorology – Water Data Online


Water Data Online provides free access to nationally consistent current and historical water information that is collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water Regulations (2008). It allows you to view and download standardised data and reports.

Time series data collected from approximately 6000 measurement stations across Australia is currently available on Water Data Online. The parameters available are:
Watercourse Level (Category 1a), Watercourse Discharge (Category 1b), Storage Level (Category 3a), Storage Volume (Category 3b), Rainfall (Category 4a), Electrical Conductivity @ 25C (Category 9a), Turbidity (Category 9d), pH (Category 9g), Water Temperature (Category 9h).

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Current


Clean Energy Regulator – NGER reporting data and registers


In February each year, the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) datasets and register are published for the previous financial year.
A point-in-time extract of reported scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions in addition to net energy consumption for each corporation that exceeds the publication threshold.

The datasets and register include:
– corporate emissions and energy data
– electricity sector emissions and generation data
– the name of each person that registered the previous reporting year.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2014 – 2024

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 28 February 2024

CSIRO Data Access Portal – 9-arcsecond gridded HCAS 2.3 (2001-2018) base model estimation of habitat condition and general connectivity for terrestrial biodiversity, ecosystem site condition, annual epochs and 18-year trends for continental Australia


This data collection comprises, for continental Australia, 9-arcsecond gridded HCAS version 2.3 (2001-2018) base model (v2.3) estimation of habitat condition and general connectivity for terrestrial biodiversity, an inferred local pressures subindex using the HCAS v2.3 as an input, ecosystem site condition derived from HCAS v2.3 and the inferred local pressures analysis, 18 annual epochs and trends (2001 to 2018), and a series of ancillary datasets to support their use. HCAS v2.3 builds on and updates HCAS v2.1. The National Connectivity Index method was used to estimate general connectivity using the HCAS v2.3 base model as an input.

  • Government agency, Research institution
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 9 arcsecond

Temporal coverage
  • 01 January 2001 – 31 December 2018

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 11 May 2024

CSIRO Data Access Portal – All CLIMEX models – AdaptNRM module 2: Invasive plant species and climate change


Global and Australian maps of Species Distribution Models (SDM) for current and 2070 climates for invasive plant species for which there are published CLIMEX models. The parameters for the model are listed in a cxp file. A GIS suitable file is provided.

  • Government agency, Research institution
  • International
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • 28 August 2014

CSIRO Data Access Portal – Annual woody vegetation and canopy cover grids for Tasmania


This collection provides annual woody vegetation (> 10 % canopy cover, > 2 m height) and canopy cover (0 – 100%) grids for Tasmania with a spatial resolution of 10 m. This dataset was developed to improve the availability of information suitable for farm-scale analyses of tree cover using publicly available, non-commercial remote sensing data. It enables fine-scale analyses of woody vegetation and canopy cover trends in natural and modified ecosystems across Tasmania between 2017 and 2024.

  • Research institution
  • Australia
  • TAS
Spatial resolution
  • 10 x 10m

Temporal coverage
  • 2017 – 2024

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 16 April 2024

CSIRO Data Access Portal – Assessing invasive alien species pressures on biodiversity in New South Wales (exposure dimension): Data packages for the Biodiversity Indicator Program, first assessment


This data collection contains the data inputs, analytical processes and derived outputs including indicator metrics for the first assessment of the exposure dimension of the invasive species (pests, weeds, disease) indicator in the New South Wales Biodiversity Indicator Program. If the same workflows and metrics implemented in this first assessment are repeated in future assessments, this will enable change detection over a five-year timescale.

Details on indicator design, implementation methods and findings from the first assessment are provided in a technical implementation report: Froese JG, Gooden B, Hulthen AD, Ponce-Reyes R, Burley AL, Cherry H, Hamilton M, Nipperess DA, Russell B, West P & Williams KJ (2021), Assessing invasive alien species pressures on biodiversity in New South Wales, Biodiversity Indicator Program Implementation Report, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment NSW, Sydney, Australia.

The key results and highlights of the first assessment are presented in a supplement report card: DPIE (2021), Report card: Invasive species, Supplement to the NSW Biodiversity Outlook Report, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Sydney, Australia.

  • Government agency, Research institution
  • Australia
  • NSW
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2019

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 22 December 2021


Data.gov.au – National Forest and Sparse Woody Vegetation Data


Search for ‘National Forest and Sparse Woody Vegetation Data’ to find the latest version.

Landsat satellite imagery is used to derive woody vegetation extent products that discriminate between forest, sparse woody and non-woody land cover across a time series from 1988 to [date of latest product release]. A forest is defined as woody vegetation with a minimum 20 per cent canopy cover, potentially reaching 2 metres high and a minimum area of 0.2 hectares. Sparse woody is defined as woody vegetation with a canopy cover between 5-19 per cent.

The three-class classification (forest, sparse woody and non-woody) supersedes the two-class classification (forest and non-forest) from 2016. The new classification is produced using the same approach in terms of time series processing (conditional probability networks) as the two-class method, to detect woody vegetation cover. The three-class algorithm better encompasses the different types of woody vegetation across the Australian landscape.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • State and Territory
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 1988 – [date of latest release]

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly
Last updated
  • 2018

DataVic – Fire History showing the number of times areas have been burnt, based on mapped fire history (scars)


This layer represents the number of times an area has been burnt, based on mapped fire history. This dataset is based on the BLD_FIRE_SCAR dataset, and provides number of (and years of) planned burns and fires (both separated out and combined), plus years since a location has been burnt. This shows both public and private land.

The layer includes bushfires and DELWP planned burn information. This dataset only shows the fire scars (boundaries) – to allow a simplified view of fire frequency. CFA data on fires occurring on private land has also been included since 2009.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • VIC
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2009 – 2024

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 22 January 2024

DataVic – Vicmap Vegetation – Tree Density Polygon


The Vicmap Vegetation Tree Extent dataset was generalised to 2m pixels and then clustering rules were applied to group the data into three density classes (Dense, Medium, Sparse). This classification was a pixel by pixel assessment where a pixel was allocated a density classification based on neighbouring pixels. The raster dataset was then converted to vector.

The process of grouping tree cover into density classes simplifies the representation of trees and reduces the complexity of the vector dataset. It is an effective way of representing tree cover. The original raw 20cm raster dataset is maintained as a separate dataset, Vicmap Vegetation Tree Extent.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • VIC
Spatial resolution
  • 2 x 2 m

Temporal coverage
  • 3 November 2020 – 8 December 2013

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 13 June 2024

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water – Australian Rangeland Boundaries


The rangelands are those areas where the rainfall is too low or unreliable and the soils too poor to support regular cropping.

They cover about 80% of Australia and include savannas, woodlands, shrublands, grasslands and wetlands. The rangeland boundary as defined by the Australian Collaborative Rangeland Information System (ACRIS) is based on mapped bioregions and, specifically, those largely undisturbed or natural bioregions (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia, IBRA version 7.0) within Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory. The boundary in Queensland was modified according to some local government (i.e. shire) boundaries. The boundary was jointly defined by members of the ACRIS Management Committee and revised by the ACRIS Management Unit based on IBRA v7 mapping.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2023

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 17 October 2023

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water – Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) Version 7 (Subregions)


Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) version 7.0 represents a landscape-based approach to classifying the land surface of Australia. 89 biogeographic regions and 419 sub regions have been delineated, each reflecting a unifying set of major environmental influences which shape the occurrence of flora and fauna and their interaction with the physical environment across Australia and its external territories (excluding Antarctica). IBRA Version 7.0 data consists of two datasets.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 1:100,000

Temporal coverage
  • 2006 – 2012

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 17 October 2023

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water – National Connectivity Index 2.0 (2001-2018)


National Connectivity Index 2.0 (2001-2018)

This indicator (NCI version 2.0) measures the amount of connected habitat within a biological neighbourhood. It accounts for how habitat condition influences the perceived connectivity of habitat, thereby promoting or impeding biological movements such as foraging, dispersal and migration.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2001 – 2018

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 31 August 2023

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water – National Pollutant Inventory (NPI)


The NPI is an internet-based database that provides free information to the community, government and industry on the emissions and transfers of substances to our environment. The NPI is unique as it shows on a geographical basis, where substances are being emitted, and in what amount.

The NPI program provides a significant amount of information about emissions to the environment.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 1999 – 2022

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Not found

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water – Natural areas of Australia – 100 metre


Natural areas were identified by combining the National Vegetation Information System Version 4.1 data, and the National Carbon Accounting Forest Cover Version 8 data (after removing areas of plantation forestry).

Plantation forestry areas were removed using three ABARES datasets ‘Australia’s plantations 2011’, the ‘Forests of Australia 2008’ and the November 2012 version of the ‘Catchment Scale Land Use Mapping For Australia’.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 100m x 100m

Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 13 February 2014

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water – Potential presence of Species of National Environmental Significance and selected marine and cetacean species


Species of National Environmental Significance and selected marine and cetacean species – indicative habitat models

This dataset is managed by Environment Information Australia and is updated when new listings take effect, or a significant number of distributions have been added or updated. The data contains generalised versions of species distributions that have been modelled for department use. This data should not be used for quantitative analysis due to the level of generalisation applied.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 01 January 2000 – 16 July 2024

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 01 February 2024

Digital Atlas of Australia – Historical Bushfire Boundaries


Locations and extents of historical bushfires and burning events, from Geoscience Australia (GA).

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 1990 – present

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • November 2023

Digital Earth Australia – DEA Waterbodies (Landsat)


Digital Earth Australia Waterbodies (DEA Waterbodies) provides up-to-date information about the extent and location of surface water in Australia to enable us to understand this valuable and increasingly scarce resource. The product uses DEA Water Observations for every available image from Geoscience Australia’s archive of over 30 years of Landsat satellite imagery to describe the wet surface extent of over 300,000 waterbodies in the Australian landscape.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Larger than 2,700m²

Temporal coverage
  • 1986 – present

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Not found

Digital Earth Australia Land Cover (DEA Land Cover)


Digital Earth Australia Land Cover (DEA Land Cover) is a collection of annual land cover maps for Australia between 1988 and 2020. The collection breaks down Australia’s landscape into six basic land cover classes and more than 80 detailed land cover classes.

Land cover is the observed physical cover on the Earth’s surface including trees, shrubs, grasses, soils, exposed rocks, water bodies, plantations, crops and built structures. A consistent, Australia-wide land cover product helps the understanding of how the different parts of the environment change and inter-relate. Earth observation data recorded over a period of time allows the observation of the state of land cover at specific times and therefore the way that land cover changes.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 25 x 25 m

Temporal coverage
  • 1988 – 2020

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly

Last updated
  • Yearly

Digital Twin Victoria – Three-class classification of tree density for Victoria


Layer: Vicmap Vegetation – Tree Density Polygon: TREE_DENSITY WMS.

Maps showing a three-class classification of tree density for Victoria – Digital Twin Victoria.


Environmental-Economic Accounts (EEA) Dashboard


The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have partnered to progress Environmental-Economic Accounting (EEA), including the development of a public dashboard on the state of our key natural capital assets, such as land, water and ecosystems.

The Environmental-Economic Accounting Dashboard prototype is the first step and allows for easy access and use of generated accounts information.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • State and Territory
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Not found


Forests Australia – Forest maps


Maps showing the locations of Australian forests, by type, are available at Forests Australia – Forest maps. The online tool can provide visual representation of the forests and distributions.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • 2018 – 2023

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 2023

Forests Australia – Plantation inventory and statistics


The National Plantation Inventory (NPI) collects data and reports on plantations established primarily for timber production in Australia. It has been doing this since 1993. NPI reports are prepared and published by ABARES.

An Australian plantation statistics report is published every year. The reports present information on total plantation area, new plantings and plantation ownership. Information in the reports support strategic forest industry planning and decision-making. Data in the reports are collected from private growers and grower representatives, and public state and territory agencies.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • 2004 – 2023

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly and 5-yearly

Last updated
  • 2023

Full Carbon Accounting Model (FullCAM)


The Full Carbon Accounting Model is a calculation tool for modelling Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions from the land sector.

FullCAM is used in Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Accounts for the land use, land use change and forestry sectors. Results from modelling are used to produce the annual totals for Australia’s National Inventory Reports. Emissions data (including from the land sector) can be found in Australia’s National Greenhouse Accounts.

Carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere by forests, croplands, grasslands and other vegetation can offset emissions from farming and land clearing.

Given the size of Australia’s land sector is approximately 769 million hectares, it’s impractical to measure emissions and abatement using just direct estimation methods, such as field sampling.

Australia’s national inventory system for the land sector relies on the use of a modelling framework. FullCAM estimates the carbon stock change in ecosystems including: above and below ground biomass, standing and decomposing debris, soil carbon resulting from land use and management activities.

Not found
  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2016 – 2020

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 2024


Geoscience Australia – Australia’s Identified Mineral Resources


Australia’s Identified Mineral Resources (AIMR) presents estimates of Australia’s mineral reserves and resources for all major, and some minor, commodities. AIMR draws on more than 40 years of data to reveal trends in reserve estimates, resource estimates and mine production over both short and long periods of time. It provides useful indicators of potential resource life and future supply capability.

AIMR also provides useful comparisons of resources at operating mines as proportions of the national inventory and insights into the distribution of Australia’s mineral wealth. It is also of interest to note Australia’s position as a global source of minerals as many countries are dependent on reliable supply from Australia for their own economies.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 1983 – present

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly

Last updated
  • Not found

Geoscience Australia – Australia’s Energy Commodity Resources


Australia’s Energy Commodity Resources (AECR) is Geoscience Australia’s annual publication presenting a stocktake of our nation’s non-renewable energy commodity resources – gas, oil, coal, and uranium – as well as information on the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) and emerging hydrogen and geothermal energy resources.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2022

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly

Last updated
  • 2024

Geoscience Australia Portal


This portal (Geoscience Australia Portal Core) provides full access to Geoscience Australia data and other publically available data sources as well as suite of analytical and multi-criteria assessment tools to maximise the value of the data.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Not found

GEOSS Ecosystem Mapping for Australia


GEOSS Ecosystem Mapping for Australia – The GEOSS Ecosystem dataset is a continental dataset of ecological facets – unique combinations of ecosystem drivers and vegetation structural formations – was produced by combining the spatial indicators of macroclimate, lithology, landform, and vegetation structural formations.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 30m – 100m

Temporal coverage
  • 01 January 1976 – 01 January 2016

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly

Last updated
  • 14 December 2021

Google Earth Engine – Global Canopy Height


Tolan et al. (2023). “Sub-meter resolution canopy height maps using self-supervised learning and a vision transformer trained on Aerial and GEDI Lidar”

Data may be shifted relative to basemap imagery due to differences in imagery observation date and/or orthorectification.

For this visualisation, we use mean downsampling of roughly 1m pixels, which may lead to some of the height difference with previously published datasets (Lang, Potapov), which are mean down samples of 95th and 98th percentile 10m and 30m pixels.

Very high resolution canopy height maps from RGB imagery using self-supervised vision transformer and convolutional decoder trained on aerial lidar.

  • Peer reviewed publications
  • International
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 1 x 1 m

Temporal coverage
  • 2017 – 2020

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 7 November 2023

Google Maps


Google Maps is a web mapping platform and consumer application offered by Google. It offers satellite imagery and aerial photography, among other services.

Not found
  • Not found
  • Not found
  • Not found
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Not found


Land Information System Tasmania (LIST) – Tree Canopy Height


The LIST Tree Canopy Height layer has been produced from all of Land Tasmania’s available LiDAR data, representing the height of trees and above ground features.

Canopy Height Models (CHMs) were produced from LiDAR point cloud data for all available LiDAR projects and represent the distance between the ground and above ground objects. This includes the height of trees, buildings and any other objects on the ground surface. Each CHM was output at a 2-metre sample spacing and mosaicked together to show the most current data as a single raster dataset.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • TAS
Spatial resolution
  • 2 x 2 m

Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • 10 November 2020

Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) – MODIS/Terra+Aqua Burned Area Monthly L3 Global 500m SIN Grid V061


The Terra and Aqua combined MCD64A1 Version 6.1 Burned Area data product is a monthly, global gridded 500 meter (m) product containing per-pixel burned-area and quality information. The MCD64A1 burned-area mapping approach employs 500 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Surface Reflectance imagery coupled with 1 kilometer (km) MODIS active fire observations. The algorithm uses a burn sensitive Vegetation Index (VI) to create dynamic thresholds that are applied to the composite data. The VI is derived from MODIS shortwave infrared atmospherically corrected surface reflectance bands 5 and 7 with a measure of temporal texture. The algorithm identifies the date of burn for the 500 m grid cells within each individual MODIS tile. The date is encoded in a single data layer as the ordinal day of the calendar year on which the burn occurred with values assigned to unburned land pixels and additional special values reserved for missing data and water grid cells.

The data layers provided in the MCD64A1 product include Burn Date, Burn Data Uncertainty, Quality Assurance, along with First Day and Last Day of reliable change detection of the year.

Not found
  • Government agency
  • International
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 500m

Temporal coverage
  • 2000 – present

Temporal resolution
  • Monthly
Last updated
  • Not found

Light Pollution Map


These are maps of artificial night sky radiance that were produced by the Light Pollution Science and Technology Institute (ISTIL), and described in the paper “The New World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness” (Falchi et al. 2016).

  • Peer reviewed publications
  • International
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 30 arcsecond grid

Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 13 November 2019

Long Paddock – SILO (Scientific Information for Land Owners)


SILO (Scientific Information for Land Owners) is a database of Australian climate data from 1889 to the present. It provides daily datasets for a range of climate variables in ready-to-use formats suitable for biophysical modelling, research and climate applications. SILO products provide national coverage with interpolated infills for missing data. The datasets are constructed from observational data obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • 1900 – yesterday

Temporal resolution
  • Daily, monthly, yearly

Last updated
  • Current
  • Updates daily




MyFireWatch is an online map-based tool that provides important information about hotspots to emergency service managers and the general public.

FireWatch is a suite of fire monitoring products, services and solutions developed by Landgate’s Imagery team. FireWatch uses satellite imagery to detect and report on hotspots as they are observed and monitor their subsequent effect on the land.

Not found
  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • WA
Spatial resolution
  • 2 – 5 km

Temporal coverage
  • 2021 – current

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Not found


National Map – Catchment Scale Land Use 2020 – 18 class classification


Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia (CLUM) depicted as 18 broad classes derived from the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification version 8. The classes are Nature conservation, Managed resource protection, Other minimal use, Grazing native vegetation, Production native forests, Grazing modified pastures, Plantation forests (commercial and other), Dryland cropping, Dryland horticulture, Land in transition, Irrigated pastures, Irrigated cropping, Irrigated horticulture, Intensive horticulture and animal production, Urban intensive uses, Rural residential and farm infrastructure, Mining and waste, and Water.

This dataset is the most current national compilation of catchment scale land use data, as at December 2020. It is a seamless raster dataset that combines land use data from all state and territory jurisdictions, compiled at a resolution of 50 metres by 50 metres. It is a product of the Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP).

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 50 x 50 m

Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • December 2020

National Map – Catchment Scale Land Use 2020 – Secondary classification


Select layer: Catchment Scale Land Use 2020 – Secondary classification. Showing the extent of: croplands, sown pastures, native pastures, grazing modified pastures, wetlands, rivers, lakes, dams and reservoirs as categories.

Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia (CLUM) depicted into 33 classes based on the secondary classes of the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification version 8. Classes are aggregated to nature conservation, managed resource protection, other minimal use, grazing, forestry, plantations, cropping, horticulture, pastures, intensive agriculture, urban, rural residential, mining and water with irrigation status.

This dataset is the most current national compilation of catchment scale land use data, as at December 2020. It is a seamless raster dataset that combines land use data from all state and territory jurisdictions, compiled at a resolution of 50 metres by 50 metres. It is a product of the Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP).

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Not found

National Map – Catchment Scale Land Use 2020 – Secondary classification


For URL, select layer: Catchment Scale Land Use 2020 – Secondary classification

Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia (CLUM) depicted into 33 classes based on the secondary classes of the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification version 8. Classes are aggregated to nature conservation, managed resource protection, other minimal use, grazing, forestry, plantations, cropping, horticulture, pastures, intensive agriculture, urban, rural residential, mining and water with irrigation status.

This dataset is the most current national compilation of catchment scale land use data, as at December 2020. It is a seamless raster dataset that combines land use data from all state and territory jurisdictions, compiled at a resolution of 50 metres by 50 metres. It is a product of the Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP).

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 50 x 50 m

Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • December 2020

National Map – Oil and gas fields


Oil and Gas fields as supplied by Petroleum Section within Minerals and Petroleum Division in the Department of Primary Industries. [Note: Victorian oil and gas fields only].

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • VIC
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • 2001

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 17 July 2024

National Map – Oil and gas fields (DMIRS-089)


The Oil and Gas fields (points) is a dataset which contains a point representation of the location of oil and gas fields for display on map products. [Note: Western Australian oil and gas fields only].

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • WA
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 31 July 2024

National Vegetation Information System (NVIS)


The National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) is a comprehensive data system that provides information on the extent and distribution of vegetation types in Australian landscapes.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 100m x 100m

Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • 2020

North Australia & Rangelands Fire Information (NAFI)


The NAFI service displays maps of fire activity based on information from satellites, such as hotspots (locations of recently burning fires) and fire scars (maps of recently burnt country). The maps are displayed to meet the needs of north Australian and remote area fire managers.

Hotspots are sourced from Landgate Western Australia and Geoscience Australia (from NOAA, NASA and ESA satellites).

Fire scars are sourced from the Darwin Centre for Bushfires Research at Charles Darwin University(for NT and northern WA fire scars) and from FNQ Spatial Data Services (for Queensland).

The service is largely funded by the Federal Government, but also the Qld and NT Governments. The site is hosted at Charles Darwin University.

Not found
  • Government agency, Research institution
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • 1.5 – 2 km

Temporal coverage
  • 2000 – 2023

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • Not found

NSW Government – Air quality in my area


The daily air quality data table is updated every morning and summarises air quality concentration data for the previous day.

These data provide a comparison for the last 6 months of air pollutants, standardising measurements of ozone, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and airborne particles into one easy-to-understand rating scale, the air quality category (AQC).

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • NSW
Spatial resolution
  • Station

Temporal coverage
  • Ongoing

Temporal resolution
  • 30 mins

Last updated
  • Current

NSW Planning Portal – Experimental Environmental-Economic Accounts for NSW – Soil Accounts – 2021


This dataset is part of a large initiative being carried by the Natural Capital Markets and Accounts (NCMA) branch to produce environmental-economic accounts under the UN-endorsed System of Environmental-Economic Accounting. SEEA accounts produced by NCMA, and other economic valuation frameworks, are hosted in the Natural Capital Evidence Bank (NCEB) repository.

This data cube presents accounts for soils and land-use in New South Wales. These accounts form part of the NCMA Soils theme, which currently includes a Soil Extent physical account, a Soil Condition physical account, and a Land-use physical account. The purpose of developing these accounts is to better understand the degree to which different NSW Great Soil Groups are being used for activities which are compatible or incompatible with their physical capabilities.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • NSW
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various


Queensland Government Open Data Portal – Extent and rate of change of riparian vegetation


Change in the extent of woody vegetation within the riparian area for Reef Catchments and South East Queensland. The riparian area has been defined as any area within 50m of a (mapped) stream or wetland. The riparian woody vegetation extent is an estimate based on a remote-sensing derived product, Foliage Projective Cover (using Sentinel-2 satellite data 2016–2017), with a spatial resolution of 10m. Historical and recent losses of riparian woody vegetation are analysed using woody vegetation clearing data from the State-wide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) (1988–2017) and ‘pre-development’ estimates of woody vegetation.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • QLD
Spatial resolution
  • 10m

Temporal coverage
  • 1988 – 2017

Temporal resolution
  • Not found
Last updated
  • 25 September 2023

Queensland Government Open Data Portal – Water entitlements


Water authority records – Queensland Government – Open Data Portal

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • QLD
Spatial resolution
  • Property
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • 8 July 2024


Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia


The Soil and Landscape Grid provides a range of soil attribute and landscape attribute products. Soil attributes provided include, Bulk Density (Whole Earth), Organic Carbon, Clay, Silt, Sand, pH Soil Water, pH CaCl2, Available Water Capacity, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Effective Cation Exchange Capacity, Depth of Regolith, Depth of Soil, Drained Upper Limit, Lower Limit, Available Phosphorus, Cation Exchange Capacity.

Landscape attributes provided include, Slope (%), Slope Relief Classification, Aspect, Relief 1000m Radius, Relief 300m Radius, Topographic Wetness Index, Topographic Position Index, Partial Contributing Area, MrVBF, Plan Curvature, Profile Curvature, Prescott Index, SRAD Net Radiation January, SRAD Net Radiation July, SRAD Total Shortwave Sloping Surface January, SRAD Total Shortwave Sloping Surface July.

Detailed descriptions of all the products available in the Australian Soil and Landscape Grid can be viewed in the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP) metadata records.

  • Government agency, Research institution
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various

Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia – Get the Data


Researchers from across Australia have joined together to develop detailed digital maps of the country’s soil and landscape attributes.

The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia provides relevant, consistent, comprehensive, nation-wide data in an easily-accessible format.

The datasets are a first approximation (version 1) of national scale maps designed to be updated and improved over time as resources, new data and improved methods and technologies become available.

The Soil and Landscape Grid provides a range of soil and landscape attribute products.

Using the best available data from existing databases, new sensor measurements and novel spatial modelling, the Grid presents fine spatial resolution (3 arc-seconds or approximately 90 x 90 m pixels) digital soil and landscape attribute maps. Included in the data are estimates of reliability. These maps are consistent with the specifications of the GlobalSoilMap project and the data are managed as part of the Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS). View the maps or explore the soil and landscape attributes in the ‘Product details’ menu above. You can also download the data in different ways through the ‘Get the data’ menu on this website.

  • Government agency, Research institution
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • ~90×90 m

Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various



The SoilDataFederator is a web API that brings together soil site data from a range of disparate data sources. It allows the user to query soils data stores across Australia in a consistent manner and the data returned is a consistent format. Users do not need to know the details of each of the individual data stores structures and querying mechanisms. The data in the system is historical soil survey data and is composed of both soil morphological description data and laboratory analysis data. The SoilDataFederator will return all available data for a specified soil property

  • Government agency, Research institution
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various

Status of Australian Fish Stocks Reports


The Status of Australian Fish Stocks Reports brings together available biological, catch and effort information to determine the status of Australia’s key wild catch fish stocks. Since 2018, SAFS summary information has been used to inform Australia’s progress against UN Sustainable Development Goal 14.4.1, proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels. The United Nations Sustainability Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

  • Government agency, Research institution
  • Australia
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • 2016 – present

Temporal resolution
  • Yearly

Last updated
  • Not found


Victoria Unearthed


A tool that brings together information about possible contamination, historical business listings, and more. Go to the Victoria Unearthed homepage for more information.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • VIC
Spatial resolution
  • Property
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Not found, Various

Victorian Water Register – Entitlement statistics


The Victorian Water Register is a public register of all water-related entitlements in Victoria. It has been designed and built to record water entitlements with integrity and provide crucial information for managing Victoria’s water resources.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • VIC
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Not found

Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS)


VAS is a community resource and welcomes your feedback, input and contribution. VAS brings together (federates) soil related datasets and information created and managed by government agencies, organisations, community groups and individuals.

  • Various
  • International
  • National
Spatial resolution
  • Various
Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Various


Water Monitoring Information Portal


This Water Monitoring Information Portal (WMIP) service supports the water assessment and management activities of the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (the Department).

On the WMIP you can find out about:
• Latest river height and stream flow values from the Department’s water monitoring stations throughout Queensland.
• Historic streamflow data from decommissioned river and stream monitoring stations.
• Groundwater levels from the Department’s monitoring bores that are equipped with data loggers.
• The Department’s water monitoring network site lists.

  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • QLD
Spatial resolution
  • Not found
Temporal coverage
  • Not found
Temporal resolution
  • 30 min – 3 hr intervals

Last updated
  • Current

Weeds near me


Biosecurity Queensland produces a comprehensive series of pest distribution maps that show where over 120 invasive plants and animal species occur in Queensland. For further information see Queensland Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries – Pest distribution survey mapping.

Not found
  • Government agency
  • Australia
  • QLD
Spatial resolution
  • 17 x 17 km

Temporal coverage
  • Various
Temporal resolution
  • Various
Last updated
  • Not found