Ecosystem capacity is the ability of an ecosystem to generate an ecosystem service under current ecosystem condition, management and uses, at the highest yield or use level that does not negatively affect the future supply of the same or other ecosystem services from that ecosystem.

Source/reference: SEEA-EA 2021, para. 6.141.

“ecosystem assets are contiguous spaces of a specific ecosystem type characterized by a distinct set of biotic and abiotic components and their interactions.”

Source/reference: SEEA-EA 2021, para. 2.11.
Note: Ecosystem assets are a type of environmental asset, where the focus is on interactions between individual environmental assets within ecosystems.

“the geographical territory for which an ecosystem account is compiled.”

Source/reference: SEEA-EA 2021, para. 2.12.

“An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit”

Source/reference: SEEA-EA, para. 2.6.