“An animal, plant, fungus, or other organism that thrives in places where it is not wanted by people, e.g. in fields, with livestock, in forests, gardens, etc.”
Source/reference: https://www.ipbes.net/glossary-tag/pest

“Priority locations are locations that are: Material locations: Locations where an organisation has identified material nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities in its direct operations and upstream and downstream value chain(s); and/or Sensitive location[s]: Locations where the assets and/or activities in its direct operations – and, where possible upstream and downstream value chain(s) – interface with nature in:

  • Areas important for biodiversity; and/or
  • Areas of high ecosystem integrity; and/or
  • Areas of rapid decline in ecosystem integrity; and/or
  • Areas of high physical water risks; and/or
  • Areas of importance for ecosystem service provision, including benefits to Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and stakeholders.”
    Source/reference: TNFD (2023, p. 136).

“Provisioning services are those ecosystem services representing the contributions to benefits that are extracted or harvested from ecosystems.”
Source/reference: SEEA-EA 2021, para. 6.51.