“The amount of water drawn into the boundaries of the undertaking (or facility) and not discharged back to the water environment or a third party over the course of the reporting period. Water consumption is equal to water withdrawal less water discharge.”
Source/reference: TNFD (2023, p. 145).

“Water stressed (region): defined in three levels: 25%, below which no water scarcity exists; 60%, indicating approaching scarcity; 75%, above which strong water scarcity is identified. Anything above the 60% figure, approaching scarcity, is considered ‘water stressed.”
Source/reference: TNFD (2023, p. 146).

“The sum of all water drawn into the boundaries of the undertaking from all sources for any use over the course of the reporting period.”

Source/reference: TNFD(2023, p. 146).

“Plants (not necessarily alien) that grow in sites where they are not wanted and which usually have detectable economic or environmental effects (synonyms: plant pests, harmful species; problem plants). ‘Environmental weeds’ are alien plant taxa that invade natural vegetation, usually adversely affecting native biodiversity and /or ecosystem functioning.” (Richardson et al., 2000, p. 98)
“A plant that is a pest in a particular circumstance.” (IPBES)
Source/reference: Richardson et al., (2000, p 98). https://www.ipbes.net/glossary-tag/pest

Welfare values represent the total benefit accruing to consumers and suppliers from exchanging something at a given price.
Source/reference: SEEA-EA, para. A12.8.